Case study 1: GNPDR
For an NGO in Rwanda, which lacked robust finance processes, I reviewed requirements, implemented a Quick Books accounting system and controls manual, coached the Director and Accountant, and designed and implemented monthly management and donor reporting.
Case study 2: Joshua
I conducted an assignment in Malawi to design a new chart of accounts and management / donor reporting processes, for an NGO which had recently won a major grant from the UK Department for International Development.
Case study 3: High Ground
I provided mentoring support and organisational design consultancy to the Chief Executive of High Ground, a UK charity which was going through major change.
Case study 4: Centre for Management Consulting Excellence
I am a pro-bono member of the management team of the Centre of Management Consulting Excellence, a subsidiary of the Worshipful Company of Management Consultants. For the CMCE I led a major research project (2018/2019) into the skills that management consultants will need in 2030. I am also Treasurer of the WCOMC.
Case study 5: Kent and Sharpshooters Yeomanry Museum Trust
The museum at Hever Castle features the story of the yeomen soldiers of Kent and the County of London, from 1794 to the present day. Please visit for more information.
I took on the role of volunteer chief executive to drive the vision for the new museum and the fund raising of £290,000 – against a previous annual income of less than £2000. This included recruiting two prominent senior UK politicians to join the appeal committee. I led a successful application to the Heritage Lottery Fund of £100,000, and developed partnerships with local government, national museums, schools and military charities. I also enjoyed developing contents for our touch screens, and organising our royal opening ceremony in 2015. I am happy to share my experience with other UK heritage charities.
As a chartered accountant, I also assist our treasurer in the preparation of our charity annual accounts. I served as treasurer for the charity before becoming Chief Executive in 2012. I was appointed Chairman of the Board of Trustees in 2018.
Case Study 6: Xavier Project
I supported this NGO in East Africa in early 2019, working with their clients who were five refugee-managed Community Based Organisations (CBOs) in Nairobi and Kampala.
I assessed their current financial management capabilities, then co-designed, implemented and provided training on new procedures to strengthen their overall governance.
Case Study 7: Heritage Alliance
The Heritage Alliance promotes the value of Heritage to government and society, on behalf of its members such as the National Trust and the Historic Houses Association.
I was appointed as a Trustee and Treasurer in February 2019. Since joining I have supported the organisation in growing from 3 to 12 staff, with a successful track record in winning and delivering major projects in the heritage sector to complement the Alliance’s advocacy work.
Case Study 8: All We Can and Y Care International
I was appointed a Trustee of All We Can in March 2019, and am also a member of the Programmes and Partnerships Sub-committee of the Board. In 2021 All We Can and Y Care International joined forces, and I also became a trustee of Y Care International.
All We Can is the new name of the UK Methodist Fund for Relief and International Development, forming long term partnerships in developing countries to address long term poverty and also provide disaster relief.
Y Care International provides support to young people in developing countries to escape poverty, and has close links with the international YMCA organisations.
In September 2023 I was appointed as Chair of the Board of Trustees of both All We Can and Y Care International.
Case study 9: Youth Business International
I have acted as independent assessor for the business accreditation of three overseas training organisations for young entrepreneurs, in Nigeria, Mongolia and Armenia, assessing their strategy and monitoring and evaluating their achievement of their targets.