So as we workers get ready to go back to our offices (realising some are already back, some have a while to wait, and some may have never left!) what good advice is out there? Too much, I feel, and much of it conflicting.
Scrolling through my old photos, I came across one I took last September, way back in those days when you could visit a museum. In this case it was a visit to a working industrial building, the gloriously ornate Abbey Mills Pumping Station in east London, as part of the wonderful Open House weekend.
This must be one of the poshest sewage stations in the world, designed in the Victorian age. And at ground level, there are no nasty smells. But for all the glamour, the staircase leads to the business end of the operations, and I guess the signage is necessary if the virus has impacted your sense of smell.
“Test the atmosphere before entering” is great advice for going out of lockdown and back to work, I think. Yet again, there is probably a consulting thesis to be written about all the different atmospheres that need testing in the workplace, and the myriad tests you could pay a consultant to do….